Monday, 19 December 2016

Counseling For Gender Dysphoria

Few things can be as stressful as feeling that there is a mismatch between the gender you were born as and the gender you feel you are. For example, many people do not feel like they have the binary gender of “male” or “female” and make the use of other terms to express their gender. Sometimes, a person born with male genitals may feel like a female, and vice versa. Regardless of what kind of a mismatch it is, there are two main issues that occur: body dysphoria and social dysphoria. 

The body could be a constant reminder that things are not well. Body parts confirming to a gender you feel you are, can be very invalidating. There is so little that can be done to change the body, unless one goes for hormone therapy and sex change surgery. Social dysphoria is due to lack of acceptance of our gender because of the people around. This can also cause anxiety, depression, stress and suicidal ideation. 

Counselors and therapists can help in gender dysphoria, first by providing a venting space. Secondly, they would help you to reflect on your expectations and gently bring you to terms with the way the world is. By being supportive and non-judgemental, they can help you to recognize and give up self defeating patterns. Further, you could then focus on what direction you would like your life to take and productive steps to gain happiness. 

When individuals with gender dysphoria also experience depression, anxiety, or other concerns, a therapist will treat these also. Some individuals may be referred to a psychiatrist for medication to treat these conditions, or they may continue in therapy for treatment of other concerns even if they do not continue to experience gender dysphoria. 

Many individuals who experience gender dysphoria do not have access to any sort of counseling or medical care. Every person should have access to care and all treatment options, whether they choose to pursue any manner of treatment or not. Increased awareness of transgender and non-binary identities, people who are intersex, and the challenges they may face is likely to be a helpful step in greater recognition of gender dysphoria and an increase in access to compassionate medical and mental health care. More information on counseling for gender dysphoria visit here.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Counselling for Body Image Issues

What do you understand by a body image? Is it just relevant to your body or is there something more to it?

Body image involves two key elements: a mental picture of one’s physical body and one’s attitude toward the physical self. Body image changes as we grow because of the environmental influences, culture. A lot of people might have a distorted perception of their bodies. A negative or an unhealthy body image can contribute to low self esteem, low self confidence and severe mood fluctuations which causes a lot of distress in a person and hampers his ability to function effectively.

What is negative or unhealthy body image?

People who have what can be considered a negative or unhealthy body image, tend to become preoccupied with what they feel to be bodily flaws and may have a distorted perception of physical features. They may feel uncomfortable in their own bodies; find it difficult to accept the way they look; or experience discomfort, dissatisfaction, shame, or even disgust in relation to their appearance.
Our perceptions are highly influenced by the media. We often want to become like the actors and actresses shown in the media. Media places more emphasis on “ideal body images” and to achieve that, people might go to the extend of abusing their bodies.

Can counselling help??

Concerns related to one's body image can often be explored in therapy. One of the therapies that is widely used is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT seems to be effective at treating concerns related to a body image that may be having a negative impact on an individual's well-being. 
Therapy aims to reduce the preoccupation with the body. The person tries to see a lot of flaws in himself which causes discomfort. CBT helps in making the person have more realistic and positive perception of the body. It also helps the person to get aware of the negative thoughts. By the means of cognitive restructuring, a therapist can help in modifying thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are unhealthy.

Group therapy and family therapy is also used for people who have issues with the body image. More information visit here

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

How Can Counseling Help If You Are In a Relationship With Someone Who Has a Bipolar Disorder

Living with a person who is going through a phase of mood disorders; you already know it's a rough ride sometimes. There will be times that are absolutely fine and then suddenly it will come out of nowhere. The mood swings can make your days together sometimes joyful and other times frustrating. There will be tough times where you may forget that it's the disease and not the person. At such times just take a deep breath and take a step back. Despite this roller coaster ride, you and your partner can beat the effects of bipolar disorder in your relationship.

Whenever we speak about any psychological disorder or distress, we only think about learning, coping or people suffering from it. It is very different from living with a person suffering from it. Watching a loved one going through such agony is never easy. However, Counseling can do wonders for not only the person who is suffering but also the caregiver or their partner.

People with a bipolar disorder may experience extreme symptoms. At times they are highly energetic, upbeat and at other times, they may experience depression. This might make the partner feel confused and not knowing how to deal with certain behaviors. Counseling will help you deal with burnout and dissatisfaction. Talking to a therapist will help you set clear limits. It will help in clarifying what you are willing and able to do. As it may affect your own health if you stress yourself too much.

Counseling will help you have a positive approach to life. Living with a bipolar can be challenging but remember that support and time will heal everything. Keep educating yourself time to time and don't let the rough time affect you. Instead, focus on what’s bothering you. Get aware of your difficulties and work on that. Focus on your emotions and what you are feeling. Be totally honest when you turn to a person for help – no need to judge your emotions. Hence, one can be benefited with the help of counseling while living with a partner suffering from bipolar disorder. More information on bipolar disorder please visit.

Friday, 28 October 2016

How can counseling help in addictions?

Addiction is a problem that many people face regardless of age and gender. What starts as a fun habit, soon starts to take on gigantic proportions. Families break, jobs are lost, emotional problems are abound and self-esteem is at an all-time low. Many people also harm themselves or kill themselves under the influence of substances.

Why do people abuse?

More and more research is suggesting that while many people try out different drugs and substances when they are young, very few go on to make it a habit. So what differentiates the two groups of people? Earlier it was thought that some people are predisposed to being addicted because of their biological tendencies or because they grow up in homes where the parent was an addict. However, the newest wave of research is showing that the single most important factor that differentiates an addict from a non-addict is how meaningful he or she finds life.

In an experiment, rats were given a spiked drink. When they were not given anything to do with their time, many of the rats drank more and more of the spiked drink. However, when rats were given the choice between a play-yard with obstacle courses and other such objects, many chose to go to the play-yard and did not choose the spiked drink.

In many research studies, it has been found that people who are addicted find it very difficult to make life meaningful without the use of the substance. Therefore, they escape into using the substance in order to not address the boredom or anxiety that life brings.

With therapy or counselling, a conversation can be had about meaningfulness. The therapist and client can slowly find out the triggers to drinking and what is it that the client is trying to escape. Since therapy is a safe space, the client can then unravel these emotional conflicts that they were trying to run away from. With the use of therapies like cognitive behavior therapy and motivational interviewing, the client can be motivated to give up the substance. Some clients may need to use psychiatric medication initially, but over time, they can manage with therapy. Slowly and gradually, they can reach their goals and give up the substance. They can also find something meaningful to dedicate their life towards.

More mental counselling resources:

What is Homosexual Anxiety or Homosexual - OCD (H-OCD)?

Having intrusive thoughts about homosexuality and doubting one's own sexuality are the core symptoms of 'Homosexual Anxiety'. These Symptoms are Characteristic of a subtype of OCD, known as "H-OCD" or Homosexual OCD


•    Constant Recurring doubts about one's own sexuality
•    Unwanted Intrusive thoughts about being homosexual
•    Inability of getting rid of unwanted worries of being gay
•    Seeing and meeting other members of the same sex produces anxiety about unwanted thoughts about     being gay
•    Avoiding places and instances of meeting other people of the same sex so as to avoid the anxiety that they feel (e.g. Locker Rooms, avoiding same sex friends who may get too close in proximity)
•    Obsessive thoughts and worries about giving out signals to others that one may be gay
•    Repeating trivial actions for fear of, that these actions may have been carried out in a "homosexual way" or that these actions may give others a hint of one being gay. For e.g., a Man with H-OCD, may get up after thinking that he is sitting in a very "gay like" manner. Which compels him to get up and sit down again, making sure he is sitting in a  masculine way.
•    Repeating such actions again and again to relieve one of the anxiety that they experience.
•    One may feel that these intrusive thoughts are inappropriate and unacceptable.
•    Homosexual thoughts are repulsive rather than arousing.

An Example of Homosexual Anxiety

This is an example of a high-school student who worries that others of the same sex might find him attractive.
There is one boy who works at the same place that I do. He always looks at me, always. I'll be talking to my friends and he'll walk past and look back at me. It's just really awkward. Of course then OCD kicks in with thoughts like, "Is this what I want?" Then my day is just filled with anxiety. There is a gay in my math class and he too kept looking at me. I always worry why they look, and then I worry that I look back. Then I start worrying why I'm nervous and my legs are shaky. I start to think that it means I’m gay.
This person’s surveillance of others may be causing them to stare back at him, creating the illusion that he is being observed. His anxiety about appearing gay results in physical symptoms, such as shaking, which is misinterpreted as physical attraction.

How will Counselling Help?

Anxiety in itself is quite distressful and debilitating. That coupled with engaging in compulsive ritualistic behaviors that stems from OCD. As well as having a fear of being in close proximity to people of your own sex. All these factors together creates quite a stressful situation for someone going through H-OCD. Psychotherapy and counselling helps one to examine their cognitions and obsessive thoughts. It aims to help people see the rationality and logic in those, and aims to change those into healthy beliefs. Counselling also helps in helping one to cope with Anxiety, and in turn helps in decreasing the compulsive behaviors. Homosexual Anxiety is very often confused with being Homosexual, and having anxiety about coming out of the closet. Very often people with H-OCD due to the anxiety seek for closure about their sexuality and the future of their sexual life.

Visit for H-OCD related counselling

Friday, 23 September 2016

Dealing with Feedback: Hacks for Highly Sensitive People

Got a feedback at work from your boss regarding a project you spent all week working on? Gave more than 100 % to it. You expect that there would be some negative reviews but end up feeling terrible. Although for others it might not be a big deal, to you it seems like your entire life to be a failure.

Is receiving feedback your worst nightmare? Do you feel overwhelmed most of the time?
You may or may not recognize some traits in you, the goal is to learn how to deal with criticism or feedbackespecially if you are highly sensitive. If you recognize yourself as one. Following are some ways that can help you deal with it.

Keep it cool
You might often experience people telling you not to take it personally. It is natural that people may suggest various things but you need to understand that there is nothing wrong in what you are feeling. However, it’s up to you to get aware of it and to decide what to do with it.

Being Empathetic
Being highly sensitive makes you more affected by the world around you and notice more details than other people. The advantage here is that you can make this as your strength by being in someone else’s shoes. It will help in understanding their perspective while they provide you more tweaks.

Give it a benefit of doubt
Give yourself some time. As you feel fine, think about the situation logically. It might help you to respond to the situation better. It will help you to improvise your current skills which may help you in learning something new.

Learn to respond
Learn to distract yourself whenever you feel out of sync or when such event takes place. Later revisit what upsets you. It will help you to understand the situation more clearly. Hence, learn to respond instead of reacting.

Acknowledge yourself
There will be times where feedbacks will be difficult to handle. At such instances remind yourself that it’s okay to be sensitive. Most importantly accept yourself the way you are. Acknowledging your sensitivity to criticism will help you to adjust and you will be able to handle it better. Thus, you can leverage your traits as strengths and can learn to deal with it effectively.

If you can relate to any of the above and need a better understanding of yourself. Speak to our psychologists at Type aThought and learn some essential skills to deal with your emotions.

More Resources:

Monday, 19 September 2016

How Conuselling Helps In Relationship

There are various factors which affect relationships. One factor is the failure to understand the reality of a relationship. Apart from that person with the different ethnic group, the difference in age and same gender face specific problems. They experience social disapproval and other external pressures which lead to a possibility that this will reduce partner’s willingness to invest in their relationship. It may reduce commitment and so tend to pull them apart.

The relationship usually begins with love, but many factors – some generated by the couples and some produced by external pressures can drive even happy couples apart. If dissatisfaction becomes significant, individuals tend to respond either actively or passively in the hope of restoring the relationship or ending it.

Signs of relationship problems include frequent disagreements, arguing, and breakdown in communication, avoidance, anger outbursts and physical conflicts. Assessing these signs earlier can help.

Every relationship goes through ups and downs, and it can get overwhelming. Many of the difficulties that threaten the survival of relationships can be sorted out with the right help and this information can be a starting point for you.

With the guidance of our therapists at Type a Thought, we provide a safe place to discuss your problems. Through respectful communication, differences can be resolved in a relationship. Counselling can help you identify underlying problems and which can help you find ways to mend your relationship.

Talk about your thoughts and feelings with a supportive person or a psychologist. Go through the counselling process to understand the nature of the problem. Help yourself and your partner heal and get aware of your emotions with various effective therapies provided such as Couple and Individual therapy. Counselling will help you establish coping strategies and lifestyle changes in your relationship.

Hence, get the most of the counselling by making a commitment to therapeutic treatment. Simultaneously, evaluate your progress in therapy and notice the positive changes in your life.

Other Resources: